PIC microcontroller development board with PIC18F4620 chip, The PIC18F4620 microcontroller is a high-performance, low-cost option. It boasts 64K Bytes Flash memory and 3,968 SRAM as an 8-bit microcontroller. Additionally, it incorporates the benefits of all PIC18 microcontrollers while enhancing Flash program memory endurance..
Numerous development boards are available for PIC microcontrollers. Among these options is the PIC18F4620 Development Board, specifically tailored for learning embedded C programming. This board grants access to all major functions of the PIC18F4620 microcontroller, making it an ideal platform for both beginners and experienced developers to explore and experiment with various features and functionalities. Moreover, with its user-friendly design and comprehensive documentation, the PIC18F4620 Development Board offers a seamless learning experience.
- The easy-to-use PIC microcontroller learning development board is tailored for PIC 40-pin microcontrollers. Electronic DIY enthusiasts adore its stable, moderately sized performance and seamless integration of basic interfaces and modules for experimentation and learning. These include ICSP, running lights, rectangular keyboard, 1602 LCD, and 12864 LCD socket, clock, EEPROM, SD card, digital tube, ADC input, stepper motor drive, Joystick, DS18B20, reset button buttons, and more.
- Versatile Functionality: To start with, this board offers a wide array of features and functionalities.
- User-Friendly Interface: Moreover, it boasts an intuitive design for easy operation..
- Detailed Documentation: Furthermore, comprehensive documentation accompanies the board for clarity..
- Smooth Learning Curve: Additionally, it provides a seamless learning experience for beginners
- Diverse Project Potential: Lastly, users can explore various project options, from basic to advanced.
- For Educational Purposes: To begin with, it serves as an excellent educational tool..
- In Prototyping Projects: Additionally, it facilitates quick prototyping of electronic systems..
- For DIY Electronics: Moreover, hobbyists can utilize it for various DIY projects..
- In Embedded Systems Development: Furthermore, it’s instrumental in developing embedded systems applications.
- For Industrial Automation: Lastly, it finds widespread use in industrial automation and control.
To Learn More Visit our Website
For more information:-www.mifraelectronics.com
Package Includes:
- 1 x T zone 12 Volt 1.3 Amp Rechargeable Battery
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