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Components kits

Components kits A Sensor Modules Kit is designed for individuals interested in exploring the capabilities of various sensors.
This kit typically includes modules for temperature, humidity, light, sound, motion, and more.
Users can integrate these sensor modules into projects so ranging from environmental monitoring.
With plug-and-play simplicity, but this kit facilitates hands-on experimentation with sensor technologies.
making it an ideal choice for those delving into the world of IoT, automation, and data acquisition.

A Robotics Components Kit but provides so enthusiasts and students with the necessary building blocks.
This kit often comprises motors, wheels, sensors, actuators, and microcontrollers like Arduino or Raspberry Pi.
The kit encourages a multidisciplinary approach, so combining mechanical, electronic, and programming skills.

Resistors: Control the flow of electric current.
Capacitors: Store and release electrical energy.
Inductors: Store energy in a magnetic field.
Diodes: Allow current to flow in one direction only.
Transistors: Amplify or switch electronic signals.
Integrated Circuits (ICs): Compact assemblies of multiple components.
Microcontrollers (e.g., Arduino, Raspberry Pi): Programmable integrated circuits.
Sensors (e.g., temperature, light, motion): Detect and measure physical conditions.
LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes): Emit light when current flows through.
Switches: Control the flow of current by opening or closing a circuit.
Relays: Electromagnetic switches controlled by a small current.
Potentiometers: Variable resistors used for tuning or volume control.
Transformers: Change voltage levels in AC circuits.
Crystal Oscillators: Generate precise frequencies for timing circuits.
Connectors and Headers: Provide physical connections between components.
Batteries and Power Supplies: Provide electrical power to circuits.
LCDs (Liquid Crystal Displays).
Motors: Convert electrical energy into mechanical motion.
Buzzers and Speakers: Produce sound.

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For more information:-www.mifraelectronics.com 

* Product Images are shown for illustrative purposes only and may differ from actual product.

Package Includes:

  • 1 x Components kits.

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